Tag Archive: Mohammadia Housing

Day 326

MASUM, HALIM’S BROTHER, WHOM I also play football with giving his nephew a fun ride.

Day 325

HALIMER CHOTO BEI SNAN KORCHE!  Ok, I’ll translate.  Halim’s younger brother taking a shower.

HERE I AM IN A MOHAMMADIA HOUSING street helping to skin a cow.  Halim my friend is on the left standing in front of a tea stand that his family owns.

Day 322

HERE I AM ON MOHAMMADIA HOUSING’S MAIN ROAD adjusting my lungi before I started helping to skin this cow.  I didn’t want the lungi to fall off!

Day 127

HAPPY YOUNG MAN carrying cement for a building project on Rd 27, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

Day 122

BECCA GAZING OUT THE Train window on the way to Sri Mongol.

A NEW YEAR HAS ARRIVED and we hope it is filled hope, joy, and peace for all our friends.

Day 265

HALIM AND I –  I went to his house to help celebrate Eid after spending an hour at Zia Park with him and 4-5 of his friends.


Day 262

HALIM’S MOTHER in her kitchen.  She cooks up a very tasty curry.  Halim is a Muslim friend, whom I play football with two mornings per week.

A Great Bengali Cook!

Day 260

ALICE WITH HALIM’S MOTHER after we had Iftar (meal right after day of fasting) with Halim’s family who live in Mohammadia housing.

Sweet smiles

Day 228

HALIM’S NIECE who adopted me as her Uncle!

Happy 18-yr-old


We were invited to Halim’s place for a meal on Friday afternoon.  It was nice to meet all of his extended family.  He is one of 8 brothers and 2 sisters.


Big Smile!

Dressed to Travel