Tag Archive: Scenic

My last visit to Cox’s Bazaar Sea Beach for a long time!

Looking Ahead



I decided to re-post this photo from 2010, to show what the Kanchenjunga mountain (World’s 3rd highest) looks like on a clear day, since during our recent visit the mountain could barely be seen through the clouds. This photo is from January 2010.

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These were some of the carts we met every morning at 5:45 am on the road that goes into Srimongol, Molouvibazar, Syhlet, Bangladesh! It is a lovely walk through the tea estates.


Selfie:   Actually I am out standing in someone else’s field!  I hope I am outstanding in my field, but that is not for me to decide! 🙂  Have a great day!  Thanks to all who have impacted my life in one way or another.  Thanks for all who are following my photo blog!  Not sure what happened to this post size! The first photo had been downsized to 100 pixels per side instead of 1,000!  Obviously I’m not outstanding in editing photos?!






This photo was taken of the Matterhorn in June when we stopped in Switzerland on the way to America.




It is also called the Evangelical Reformed Church!
