Category: Art

Train Lovers

A Toy and Train Show was held here at this church, organized by the Moreland Historical Society. In my last post you saw some of the toys thy had displayed. You can see the cars parked by people attending the show. I mentioned to the one gentleman, that I had a train set as a child. He said, “I think everyone our age did!”

Behind the Christmas tree in the old church their is a painting done by my friend Rusty Baker, who passed this year. The painting gives the illusion of an alcove!


Street Art

Street on pillars under 4-land highway (I-64) in Charleston, West Virigina.

American Gothic

American Gothic by Grant Wood an Iowa painter! Being from Iowa I love the painting and at this

Farm & Science Review they gave people the opportunity to frame their faces with this painting! I found two helpful young girls to take my photo. One to take the photograph, and one (Savannah) to pose with me! Fun times.

Trout Chasing Minnows

The trout, minnows and base were all carved out of one piece of wood by a carver from the Geppetto Woodcarvers club in Parkersburg, WV!


I finished carving this cowboy from a rough-out, and painting it this week. I painted the carving with acrylic paints, and then sprayed with a coat of shellac.

Gravy Life

Interesting meme! Probably some truth to it.

Coffee Privileges

I like coffee, but not sure I am into doing stupid things at any speed!


Assortment of windmills for your lawn.

If you are John Deere fan, this windmill is for you!

Or this one for Farmall or International Harvester fans!


Both of these cards brought me pleasure when I received them recently! The drawing of the Loon took me back to 1993, when my son, Austin did the drawing and made cards with it. Thanks, Carol for sending this card, with the care package! The second card meant a lot because it was from Farhana, a fellow photographer, whom I had met 14 years ago. She made this card for me using the the Cyanotype printing technique. It was nice to catch up with her after not chatting for at least 8 years. Sometimes the things that might look little, are big because they are so precious. Thanks Carol and Farhana for taking the time to share these meaningful cards with me.

Joys of Childhood

It is always nice to be around children! They love life and enjoy playing! Magnet Art, and Race Cars!

A willing subject for me at the Central Shaheed Minar in Dhaka during the Language Martyr’s Day on February 21, 2023

The Tools of the Trade