Archive for September, 2013

Cooling their drinks at the water fountain.

Cooling their drinks at the water fountain.

Enjoying their picnic!

Enjoying their picnic!

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This photo was taken toward the East!

Alice is reading “Bush Flying Captured”  (Photography of Rich Hulina), a gift that was given to my friend by his children.  It was a pleasure to see in the book a photo of the plane I used to fly in NW Ontario. I am not sure if I was a bush pilot or a pilot who flew in the bush!  🙂

Reading through "Bush Flying Captured!"

Reading through “Bush Flying Captured!”

The plane I flew in NW Ontario, parked on the lake and ready to go.

The plane I flew in NW Ontario, parked on the lake and ready to go.


Photo of the plane in the book Alice is reading.

Photo of the plane in the book Alice is reading.

Oman Norquay with his 1959 Luscombe 8F C-FZA in this great fall shot.  It was listed for sale in March 2011 for $38,000 CDN

on the C & S Enterprises website.


This girl is trying to befriend the pony in my September 14 post.

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September 18 keeps coming around year after year to remind me of how God place an awesome woman into my life. After 44 years of marriage I know God knew what was best for me!

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At the Chapel Bridge in Lucerne, Switzerland!

Let me know if this uploads slow for anyone.  I thought I had resized it but obviously not.

Let me know if this uploads slow for anyone. I thought I had resized it but obviously not.

White-Tailed Doe in Berks County, Pa.

White-Tailed Doe in Berks County, Pa.

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Rich and Elma with their 1957 Chevy Bel Air

Charles let me take this car for a drive!

Charles let me take this car for a drive!


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