Archive for June, 2018


I was told that these were Bachelor’s Buttons! They likely also have another name. I was told that it is hard to render them in a photo the exact color they are in nature! I guess you can tell me if my camera, wordpress, and lightroom were able to reproduce the color accurately!


It was a surprise to see D.L. at the Old Homestead Suites. And his wife did a great job with the complimentary breakfast!


I had never seen breakfast pizza done in this fashion!


My grandson knows I love Cha! I suspect most every day for 7 years, I had at least one cup of cha, while in Bangladesh. At my grandson’s grad party it was being offered as one of the hot drinks!  If I would have shut my eyes, I could have imagined myself in Dhaka. It was a similar feeling I had when eating the delightful chicken curry, my daughter-in-law prepared for the party! I confess, I stayed away from the delicious assortment of cookies my dear wife baked, though I indulged in the cheese and meat she so nicely arranged on a plate! And the spicy hot cheese ball was excellent! The loaves of French my wife baked were also a hit, of course with different choices of jam, including strawberry.

Open Mouth, Insert Cupcake


Mama’s Hands



One of the many who were up early to see the hot-air balloon to launch!


Thirst quenched for now, during haymaking day !

Happy Father’s Day


Proud Father with Son on the day, honoring Fathers!

It was a busy day, but couldn’t resist this post, even though it was belated! 🙂

Elusive Wood Duck

IMG_8691I’ve had a photo of a Wood Duck on my “bucket list” for awhile. Each time the photo gets better. This photo is my best so far.  Next time I will try to add my 2x extender to my 7-300mm telephoto!

My wife and I were walking at sunrise this morning, but it wasn’t raining! Will go out to eat this afternoon, and will likely order lobster, instead of biscuits and gravy! 🙂 Looking forward to another sweet year with my college sweetheart!!!

Early Morning Grazing
