Category: Blogging


How do you define success? Sucess would be when you have set a goal and reached it.

Life-changing Book

Has a book changed your life? The book that has most changed my life would be the Bible!

Family Tree

How far back in your family tree can you go? I think I can go back 6 or 8 generations! Back to Jacob Raber’s father. I did see the apartment building where that family lived in Germany before they came to America, in thee 1700’s.

Gentle Rain

I like gentle rain
Which is very refreshing
And waters the earth

Why I Write

Why do you write? I write either to record events or to inform people. Or to complete the story of my photos.

What brings you joy in life? When I can help meet someone’s needs.

Earliest Memory

What is the earliest memory you have? I remember when boxes were taken apart and we used the 3/4″ x 3/4″ x 6″ pieces of wood to create buildings, fences, etc. Probably 3-4 years old!


How am I brave: I am brave when I ask a pedestrian if I can take their photo.

I would like to print 3 photo books. Already a day late posting this January 1 post!

In looking for an appropriate, I decided to choose this one from 4 years ago, when our son was home, and we had a meal similar to one I had yesterday at noon. I surely wish a Happy New Year to all my friends, whether fellow bloggers, or friends and family, across the world! With our German heritage, Mashed Potatoes, Sauerkraut, and Sausage (oops-hot dog substitute) are a must. This year it was cheese-impregnated venison, hotdogs a gift from one of my taxi customers.

Thinking of you, Anna, as I was walking through Dhaka, Bangladesh!

Also thinking of you, Marcus!!


1966: The setting is in Harrisonburg, Va., situated in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Alice and I arrived at the same Professor’s home to get acquainted with other new college students the day before our Freshman classes began. After a nice afternoon, some games, and pizza, we ended up walking back to our respective dorms together. We decided to meet after the Sunday evening vespers and play ping ping. The Student Center wasn’t open yet, so we sat on the steps and chatted. That was the beginning, and the rest is history!

2018: Now after 49 plus years of marriage, the setting is Millersburg, Ohio.  We woke, checked our devices, had devotions, and at sunrise headed for the local trail for an hour walk, plus some other exercises. Returned home, changed clothes, and stopped for the Bargain Hunter paper, and on to the Post Office to send off our application for our Passport renewals.  Then we went to see my 95-yr-old Mother, and being hungry we headed for Nana’s Kitchen near Holmesville, and had a nice brunch. Then it was on to Buzzard’s Family Shoes in Loudonville for some insoles for my shoes.  Returning home it was nap time for me, followed by a fun time having Alice read me all the texts from Alice’s grade schoolmates, as they reminisced their early school days at Sparta School in Spartansburg, Pa.! I decided to fill the hummingbird feeder, and also the dining room window bird feeder. Soon it was supper time, followed by preparing this blog post.

This is a memorable day indeed

The setting for the photo was in the Valley of the Five Lakes, in Jasper National Park in Alberta!  July 2017