Tag Archive: Chowrasta

As we start this new year, I decided to post a photo from 10 years ago! The photo includes my grandsons on the Chowrasta (mall) riding horses off on the loop where they will see the Kanchenjunga, followed by their Uncle, our son, Dustin. They likely didn’t know what was ahead of them, as we don’t know what all will be ahead of us in 2020.


Darjeeling, India has been an enjoyable vacation spot for us.

Thanks to all who are following my blog. Not sure what 2020 will hold. Likely more of the same as before! I would love feedback, on what kind of posts you enjoy, etc. For me, it is like a journal of our lives, but also a place, where I can showcase some photos. Around 12 years ago, I posted at least one photo daily, for many years, but that hasn’t always happened recently. Looking forward to hearing from some of you. I had thought of posting what I thought were my 12 best photos of 2019, but I had trouble making that decision! If things go as planned, we will be visiting two countries, we have not visited previously.

And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. Matthew 28:2

He is Risen Indeed!

Stones from Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada, and the sunrise from a trail starting at the Chowrasta in Darjeeling, India!

Corn-on-the-Cob is a part of what makes Darjeeling, Darjeeling!





Gorkha Rangamancha Bhawan located nearby chowrasta [around 1 km from the proper market].This place is also known as Bhanu Bhawan. This is in Darjeeling, India


Day 362

TODAY I SAW SOME PEOPLE PARAGLIDING IN DARJEELING, INDIA.  I was sitting in the Cafe Coffee Day on the Chowrasta Mall, which as an outdoor patio.