Tag Archive: Sony Alpha 6000

First Photo With My New Camera

I decided it was time to take the first photo with my new camera, the Sony Alpha 6000. Of course if you read yesterday’s post you would already know that I had a new camera! 🙂 I haven’t found the setting yet for Raw format, etc. and this was taken on the Auto setting. It also shows the place I like to be on stormy, snowy days like we had last weekend! Nothing quite like a choice of two rocking chairs in front of a warm fire!

My sister and niece having a blast. The niece has only seen snow on TV!! And she used the technique she saw used on shows to make snowmen, and tried it out. The snow wasn’t really the best quality, but it kind of worked! It is also one of the first photos I have taken with my new camera, the Sony Alpha 6000