Tag Archive: Buggy

Bike and Buggies

A lot of buggies lined up at the hitching post in Berlin, Ohio. One lone biker arrived to shop as well.

Fall colors

The man thing I was doing was trying out the camera on my new phone!

Hitching Up

Church is over and this Amish gentleman is hitching up his horse to head home!

Done Shopping!

All Aboard!

Garage Sale

Bargains galore!

Loading up and ready for the next location!

April Wedding in June

This wedding was originally scheduled for April, but changed so they could have more guests.

Note the tables and lights for the reception in the barn, as well as the tent, to help with social distancing. The wedding is actually 1/2 mile up the road!

The scene I had after dropping off my taxi customers at the wedding. More guests: Arriving by buggy, bike and vehicle!

Snow Arrives

Model T/Buggy HybridIMG_9180-2

At a traffic light in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania!


Heading for Church in Rural Ohio

Behind the Wheel Again

It feels different being behind the wheel again, after being used to riding public transportation in Dhaka, Bangladesh for 8 years (Rickshaws, CNGs, buses, taxis, trains, boats, and planes)!  Now I feel more in control of what is happening with my vehicle, though I thoroughly enjoyed letting someone else have that job!

Here I am approaching a horse and buggy (carriage used by the Amish), which is a very common sight in this region of Ohio.

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