Young lady walking to a neighbor’s wedding. Note the cool backpack!” The orange cone is supposed to help slow down the vehicle traffic, because of all the folks walking, buggies and vehicles entering and exiting the homestead.

Men lining up according to their age. Then at a certain before the service, they go in with the oldest gentleman going first. When I attend an Amish wedding or church service I like to make sure I go in with the older gentleman (after all I am 75!) so I will likely be able to sit on one of the handful of chairs they have for the elderly, so they don’t have to sit on a bench that doesn’t have a back! 🙂

The buggies (carriages) in the foreground with the men line up behind them in photo. With the heat we have been having this last week or two, they are for sure using the open buggies.

The hay rake and baler stand idle while the people attend the wedding.

Here are two of the three wagon loads of hay that were sitting in the barnyard. I assumed that when I returned to pick up the taxi customers at the wedding these wagons would still be loaded waiting for the wedding attendees to come and unload them. I was surprised when I drove by and they were empty. I saw some young men near the farmstead so obviously they stayed home to put the hay away while the parents, and maybe sisters attended the wedding.

The third load of hay waiting to be unloaded.