Tag Archive: Auction

Big equipment

These Auctioneer’s helpers are busy taking bids!

The Gentleman on the right, and on this side of the open door, whose eyes are locked on the Auctioneer, will soon have the highest bid for this truck. I was not fast enough for what I thought would have been a Great Photo (A photo of this gentleman and his wife, when his wife showed the Auctioneer’s helper their bidding number after having the highest bid for this truck) They were overjoyed!

Another view of the old Truck

Probably tired, since he likely got up early to travel to this auction!

Are you sure?

This is the last photo I took in 2021

I think there are 68 tractors that will be sold on auction in the near future!

Mum’s the Word

At this Produce Auction!img_0761

Mums at Produce Auction
