Tag Archive: Beggars

Day 150

SON OF A BEGGAR WANTS TO get on the street to retrieve his toy (plastic bottle), but his mother looks like she will prevent it from happening.

Day 55

STREET BEGGAR AT THE bars of my CNG wanting some taka.

Day 25

BEGGAR SMILING even though “poor!”  This is a typical scene from the inside of a CNG.

Day 363


Day 348

HANDICAPPED BEGGAR leaves Eid morning prayers early to get in line for alms giving as the men leave.

Day 345

BEGGAR WANTING ALMS from men going to Eid morning prayers.

Day 333

IQBAL ROAD BEGGAR wanting a handout from men going to the morning Eid prayers.

Day 251

FAKIR at Mirpur 1 Mazar.  A fakir or faqir is a Sufi, especially one who performs feats of endurance or apparent magic.  Another fakir who seemed more friendly invited me to come back at 7:30 pm for the “iftar” (breaking the fast).  The mazar is a place where a Muslim saint was buried and a shrine has been built.  Many people come here  making wishes and then give alms to the poor,  including the fakirs.  It also has turned into a place where young street workers hang out.


Day 124


This beggar was longing for a hand-out.


Day 84

BEGGING One of the older lady beggars I frequently give taka to. I wonder if the economy has hit her?

Please help me!

Day 56


This beggar didn’t know what to think when I asked her for a photo after I gave her my 2 taka note!

Shy Beggar

Day 47

BEGGING Here is a old blind beggar on the walking bridge over the farmgate intersection in Dhaka
Blind Beggar