Tag Archive: Towne Hall Bazaar

As the market prepares for another day it is hit with bright sunlight which we hadn’t seen for several days!


Day 245


Day 188

MY NIECE BAILEY, STANDING IN FRONT OF VEGETABLE STAND in Town Hall Market where I buy most of my vegetables.

Day 88

VENDOR AT THE TOWN HALL MARKET, in Mohammadpur, Dhaka.  Here is where I buy my potatoes, onions, garlic, and cloves.

Day 167

HOTEL GREEN IN TOWN HALL MARKET was where my friend and I had a great breakfast of curried beef, bhaji, and nan ruti.  Little restaurants are called hotels.  Actually this is one of the few that actually has rooms.  This photo shows the hotel from across the street.  I went back this afternoon to get this photo so you don’t see the action out front making the porotas and nan ruti.

More wrap-up things today, four more morning walks, farewells and Sunday evening at 10 heading for the airport.

Day 241

AMAR  SHOBJI DHOKANDAR (My Vegetable Stall Owner) found a seat at the football game!

Copy of IMG_9364

Day 221

MOHAMMADPUR FRIENDS CLUB, the team I sponsored for a tournament.  They lost last night in the semi-finals.

Nice uniforms!

That ball is going to fly!

Day 94


Here is Riley enjoying one of his many cups of tea while he was waiting for his brother’s to finish getting their hair cut!

Riley, examining the look's of his haircut!


Here is Jensen getting his haircut.  There is a photo of one of these barbers cutting my hair in November.  It was taken by friends visiting us.  I’m sure soon there will be new photo to put on their mirror!

The 33.3 taka haircut (50 cents U.S. Funds)


On Thursday, Austin, Marita, Jim (Marita’s brother) and his wife, Normi went to Mymensingh for a day trip.  Therefore, our grandsons spent the day with us, from 5:30 am to 10 pm.  Marita had said I could take them to the barber.  I told them that ever since I had taken them to the barber last June, he asks me where they are, when I get a haircut.  Well here is a series of photos featuring Jensen, the oldest grandson.

Jensen enjoying a cup of Bengali tea.

HAIRCUT I went up the street to Towne Hall Bazaar to get my haircut. It reminded me of this photo that Craig Mullet took in November.  At this little shop without doors the haircut costs me 30 tk (45 cents U.S.)!

Barber in action!