Tag Archive: Marriage

Special Day

Busy traveling, so I didn’t get this posted yesterday! Which means, that today my dear wife and I have been married for 20,001 days!!

20,000 Days since Alice and I met back on September 18, 1966. Our lives haven’t been the same since!! First day of Summer, and National Selfie Day are eclipsed by our special day! We’ve lived in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Ohio. We also lived in Northwestern Ontario and Dhaka, Bangladesh! I have worked in 4 different hospitals as a Medical Technologist. Alice worked in three hospitals as an LPN. I was also Principal at four different schools. I piloted little two-seater planes in NW Ontario for 440 hours. We have two sons, a daughter-in-law, and three grandsons. We have hiked in the Southern Rockies, as well as the mountains of the Banff, Jasper, Waterton and Glacier National Parks. We have hiked the Grand Canyon three times, the foothills of the Swiss Alps, and the Himalayas. We’ve hike in the Smokies, and a volcano in Bali. We have slept under the stars at the Upper Chukuni near Red Lake, and on the sandy desert of Western India near Jaisalmer. We were both saved from drowning, and Alice is a Cancer Survivor!! God has been good!!! As the plaque says on our porch, “Welcome to our Porch, where we enjoy the lazy days of summer!” If you want to hear more of our story, we could oblige you. Maybe even a cup of coffee, or ice tea! If you from another state or country, we have spare bedrooms also! P.S. We got married 1,000 days after we met!

June 14, 1969

Marty Robbins sings our story so well, with a few exceptions!

Our theme song! 🙂

I Heard the Bluebirds Sing

I met a girl down in the hills that gave my lonely heart a thrill
Her beauty seemed just like a breath of spring
And when I looked into her eyes I thought it blue as a summer skies
When I held her hand in mine I heard the bluebirds singThey sang of wondering (wondering if he loves her)
Will she marry (marry if he asks her)
Will her heart be (heart be true for him for) then and evermore
And when she’s lonely (lonely is he near her)
When there’s sadness (sadness will her cheer her)
Will they always (always be together) until the day they partI courted her for months on end until she promised we would wed
We planned on being married in the spring
All through the long cold winter months it seemed that spring would never come
And every gloomy winterday I heard the bluebirds singThey sang of waiting (waiting for the flowers)
And of counting (counting every hour)
Till the bluebirds (bluebirds chirps his welcome) to the world each morn
And while we’re waiting (waiting for the sunshine)
We keep hating (hating every storm cloud)
That has gathered (gathered o’er the mountains) to keep us for apartAnd when at last spring touched the earth we were married in the church
Our wedding seems just like a dream come true
Though many years have come and gone our love is still as true and strong
As when I found her long ago and still the bluebirds singThey sang of loving (loving every hour)
That I’m married (married to my flower)
And we’re happy (happy ever after) as since the day we’ve met
And though we’re older (older love is sweeter)
We grow fonder (fonder of each other)
We’ll be sweethearts (sweethearts close together) until the end of time Songwriters: HOD PHARISI Heard the Bluebirds Sing lyrics © Peer International Corporation, Quality Music PUB.LTD.

September 18, 1966 was a day of transition, being the day, I met my wife! Actually, the Sunday “Gazette Mail” newspaper of Charleston, West Virginia had a headline- Transition. Trivia: If you work at $9.13/hr for a year, your salary would be $19,000! 

We’ve lived in 22 different homes over the years, but maybe I am getting it mixed up with having been in 22 different countries!

Thanks, Darling for knocking me off of my feet (College Sweethearts)!  You can tell numbers, so I was tickled to find out that we courted for exactly 1,000 days before marriage.
