Tag Archive: Virginia


September 18, 1966 was a day of transition, being the day, I met my wife! Actually, the Sunday “Gazette Mail” newspaper of Charleston, West Virginia had a headline- Transition. Trivia: If you work at $9.13/hr for a year, your salary would be $19,000! 

We’ve lived in 22 different homes over the years, but maybe I am getting it mixed up with having been in 22 different countries!

Thanks, Darling for knocking me off of my feet (College Sweethearts)!  You can tell numbers, so I was tickled to find out that we courted for exactly 1,000 days before marriage.




High Bridge-Farmville, Va.    -160 feet (49 m) above the Appomattox River Valley


High Bridge Trail, Farmville, Virginia

This second post of today was for your benefit, Carol-Miller Broadwater, 4th cousin to my wife!!! 🙂

Versatile Blogger Award

Dear Blogger friends, Susan nominated me for Versatile Blogger award! Here is a link to her blog:   https://rhythminlife.net/2017/05/01/the-rose/

Susan, I am honored to have been chosen. I have so many blogs I follow, I don’t know where to start in nominating any of them for the Versatile Blogger award.

Some facts about me:

  1. I was born and raised in Kalona, Iowa, and then going on to Harrisonburg, Virginia for college studies.
  2. Met my wife there, and we were married between my 3rd year of college, and my 4th year (Internship in Medical Technology).
  3. Worked for 8.5 years in the Immunopathology Lab at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics before taking a position as School Principal in Northwestern Ontario.
  4. While in Ontario, I acquired my private pilots license and flew some 440 hours (Most of the landings on lakes with a Luscombe) before moving to Ohio in 1992.
  5. I spent 8.5 years in Bangladesh doing member care for several families
  6. I have knitted 3 sweaters, love crossword puzzles, chess, hiking, travel and photography.
  7. Have a lovely wife, two sons, and three grandsons, who are teenagers.
  8. Bengali curries are at the top of my list of favorite foods.
  9. I do remember when the hula hoop was invented, and actually collected a blood specimen from the inventor for analysis, when he was in the hospital!
  10. I learned to use the “slide rule” which was made obsolete with the invention of the calculator.

Music in the Air!

Fun Times

Fun Times

Photo Time

Photo Time

Scenic View

Scenic View

Nice Autumn Colors

Nice Autumn Colors