Tag Archive: Thanksgiving

Selfie Time

Thanksgiving Moment: My son getting a family photo with his three sons!

Happy Thanksgiving

From our home to yours. Our dining room is all prepped for company.

Jumping Jack

I was inspired by this toy a friend brought to carving club. I think I will try to carve one similar to it! Happy Day before U.S. Thanksgiving. I loved it when in Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving in October, and then also celebrated Thanksgiving in November!!! It even made me feel special when the other day, someone posted a blog regarding Father’s Day in Sweden. I love special days, and love being a father!

Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

I was busy taxiing most of the day, and never got a chance to put my photos onto my computer and post! Hope it was a day of thanksgiving for you all!

One of my favorite pies, and my wife does a bang-up job of baking it. We enjoyed it on Thanksgiving Day!!  I had a request for the recipe, so I hope in the editing it is posted again!

Oatmeal Pie Recipe:

1 Unbaked 9″ Pie Crust

1/4 C. Butter or Margarine

1/2 C. Sugar

1/2 tsp. Cinnamon

1/2 Cloves

1/4 tsp Salt

1 C. Light Corn Syrup

3 Eggs

1 C Oatmeal

Cream the butter and sugar: add spices and salt.  Stir in the corn syrup.  Add the eggs, one at a time, stirring well after each addition.  Stir in the oatmeal and pour into the pie shell.  Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour, or till a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.

To our U.S. friends, to our Canadian friends who have already lost all the weight they might have gained at their Thanksgiving meal, and to our friends worldwide, whom we are thankful for!

God Gives Us Richly All Things to Enjoy!  I dug this photo out of the archives! 2008


Arms Folded and Table Set20081127-img_1300

Memories of Thanksgiving 2008 in Bangladesh!!

Smoked Turkey, Layered Lettuce Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Peas and Carrots, topped of with Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie (Pecans shelled by Vik Lynch) and Ice Cream! Tomorrow, more of the same with the addition of dressing! IMG_8710fb

I am for sure thankful for my wonderful wife, Alice!!


The First Thanksgiving

How many people really know how Thanksgiving began? I would venture to guess that even most Christians can’t tell you the real story of the first Thanksgiving celebration. The modern day version of Thanksgiving was held in 1621 at the Plymouth Plantation. The pilgrims had a harvest feast after the growing season to give praise to God for his blessings. The pilgrims had plenty of things to complain about. Half of the people had died during the harsh winter of starvation or disease. Despite all of this death and disease, the pilgrims were still thankful and grateful for everything they had. During the early days, the Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated at different times in the different colonies. The annual day of Thanksgiving did not get an official date until the Civil War., when it was instituted by Abraham Lincoln



Melody eyeing the camera.

Melody eyeing the camera.

It's me, Caden!

It’s me, Caden!

THE LADIES GET A  BREAK ON THE U.S. THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION!  The guys fixed breads, carrot dish, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, salad, vegetables, smoked chicken, pumpkin pie, ice cream, and A&W Root Beer Floats.

A&W Root Beer Float

A&W Root Beer Float

Lovely Fruit Dish

Lovely Fruit Dish



Dustin's Bread Spiced with Hot Pepper

Dustin’s Bread Spiced with Hot Pepper

Stirring up a wonderful salad.

Stirring up a wonderful salad.

Mashed Potato Chef

Mashed Potato Chef

Bread Baker

Bread Baker

Taste Testing

Taste Testing

Can't have Thanksgiving without Pumpkin (mishti khumra) pie!

Can’t have Thanksgiving without Pumpkin (mishti khumra) pie!