Category: Ladies



I wasn’t sure which photo to post of my dear wife, who has a birthday today! So, for two months she is older than I am! Here she is doing what she does well! Spending time listening to people’s stories! This is my Aunt Mary Ann, who passed away two years ago! I am traveling for 20 days with five young Amish men, a trip to the West Coast of the USA. We have two weeks behind us, and one week ahead of us! Therefore, I will have to really celebrate Alice’s birthday when I return home!!

Bride and Groom

With me!

Bride with my wife (Groom’s Grandmother)

Before I got the shutter clicked this girl turned around and saw my tele pointed in her direction! So it goes.

We had a short and sweet birthday party, with just my wife and I attending! All my siblings attended via Zoom, thus they missed the cake and ice cream! Great to see her having fun and enjoying herself! I decide to pose with her, and she had to clown around! 🙂

She settled down when I grabbed the camera!

My wife and Mother!

Sweet Reunion

My taxi customer wanted to stop at this farmstead to say hi. She had lived here for the five years, that she taught school in Illinois. She was greeted with a big smile and hug! Lots of nostalgia, I am sure! The treasure of friendships!

My wife, Alice, and our son, Dustin enjoying an early morning walk during the late Winter snowfall.

We meet a neighbor, and Alice joins her to catch up with the latest news. This is a close-up, and the next photo they qualify for a “Where’s Waldo” photo!

Another friendly neighbor is out making sure the squirrels have some food handy with this late snowfall. Do “April Showers Bring May Flowers” even if they are snow showers! It’s now April, so Spring should be right around the corner.


Our Guide in Naples, taking a break!