Tag Archive: Advertisement

97% Fat Free

Saw this unique way to advertise for milk the other day on a post, and so when I passed it in Lancaster County, I decided if I pass by again to grab a photo. Of course I have always loved the old stone barns, typical of this area. You only find a rare stone barn, like this in Holmes County, Ohio.

My Friend Rubel




Day 279

BIGGER THAN LIFE: PANTALOON ADS WITH LOCALS RELAXING in front oblivious as to what is behind them.

I was looking for a grocery store and it was located on a top floor of Pantaloons.


Day 274

THIS GUARD WAS TOO LATE IN LETTING ME KNOW HE DIDN’T WANT A PHOTO TAKEN.  I really would have liked a scene where he was sitting relaxed in front of the ad, but so it goes.