Tag Archive: Ice Cream

Big Sur Inn and Restaurant has this Ice Cream Bus right by the gas station!

Stone Cone

This sculpture is found on Bahia Vista Ave in Pinecraft, Florida, U.S.A. The ice cream served here is very tasty!

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I loved this pipe sculpture in front of Olaf’s Ice Cream Shop in Pinecraft, Florida. Behind the shop is also a Pizza Parlor!! They do serve some great soft serve ice cream.



With the warm week we had, homemade ice cream would have been a treat. I found this photo, as I was looking through my files. Then I realized it was taken with my camera, but my son was the photographer!  He loves to borrow my Canon 7D camera with the 50mm 1.4 lens!

Enjoying Ice Cream

Summer Time Treats

Lucia And Me Family Cooling Off

My friend Rasel invited me to his sister’s house for a nice meal of jumbo shrimp, curried veggies, beef, chicken and pangash mach (fish), and other veggies, and rice.  The meal was topped with this dessert and then followed by some good Bengali cha (tea).  Thanks Rasel!



Day 301

WE ATTENDED A CRAFT BAZAAR ORGANIZED BY PROKRITI AND MCC.   They had me wear a “funny” robe and scarf on my head.  Then I played this hand drum like thing.  Of course I got everyone’s attention.  I think they have it on hand to have some fun at the Bazaar Someone commented that they now saw Austin’s Dad (me) acts just like Austin.  I wonder who learned it from who! 🙂  I wondered later if I didn’t even have the robe on backwards!   This was the first of hopefully many more monthly bazaars.  Many organizations brought items from many Bangladesh artisans for sale.  There also was North End Roasters coffee available.  Afterward we went to the A & W restaurant.  A & W root beer is one of Alice’s favorite soft drink.  Myron got some Movenpick ice cream which he thoroughly enjoyed.  We ate the evening meal at Midnight Sun, a Chinese restaurant.  For dessert we ordered ice cream.  At least today Myron had ice cream two times, instead of his normal three times a day when he is on vacation!  Oh, Michelle this post and photo is especially for you! 🙂

Here I am at the Fair Trade Craft Bazaar

Vertical View

                                                Myron, Eileen, Karleen (From Middlefield, Ohio) and Alice enjoying A & W drinks.

Day 243

ALICE WITH SOME OF HALIM’S NIECES AND FRIENDS on the way to buy some ice cream.  Alice and I had been invited to Halim’s house to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, yesterday.